Monday, January 16, 2012

Esophageal Dilatation: My Experience

On Friday, the 13th of January, my breakfast got stuck in my esophagus. Nothing would go down, and nothing would come back up. I had severe pain in my chest, and hypersecretions. My nose ran, my eyes watered, and my mouth filled with saliva. I was coughing and sneezing, and eventually, some food appeared in my mouth. After about 45 minutes, the symptoms abated. I had scheduled my esophagoscopy for 3:00 PM, but Dr. Lewis was able to get me in for 1:00 PM. By that time, the symptoms were gone.
I arrived at noon as requested. I was taken to a cubicle and changed into a gown. It was cold (or I was cold). They started an IV (2 tries). My veins were tiny because of the cold. I asked the nurse to use a heating pad on my hand to allow the veins to expand, but they had none available. I am left with hematomas at both sites, left hand and anticubital area. 
Dr. Lewis arrived shortly after 1:00 PM and they took me to the room. We talked and then the sedation was given with me lying on my left side. After that, I remember nothing.
It was like Joan Rivers said about giving birth. "Put me out with the first pain and wake me up when the hairdresser comes".
Dr. Lewis was surprised that he didn't find it as narrow as he expected. He didn't see signs of tumor infiltrating my esophagus. I have not yet had a chance to discuss the findings in detail. I will have an appointment with him in 2 weeks and may need the procedure repeated. I guess they don't want to stretch the area too much at a time for fear of perforation. I am to take 2 teaspoons of Lidocaine Viscous before meals, 20 mg of Prilosec twice daily, and to eat meat only if cut into tiny pieces.
So, what is the result? That's hard to say. I still have some esophageal spasm with eating, but no repeat of the Friday episode. Epigastric pain has diminished. I have a sore throat, either from the procedure or I am getting a cold. I am eating mostly yogurt, pudding, soup and other predominantly soft foods with little solid food. I have lost 3 pounds since last week. I didn't get much sleep last night, but I feel somewhat better this morning.
The plan is to carry on with my usual activities for now.

1 comment:

  1. thanks very much for the info and I hope it stays at bay. Justin
