Tuesday, May 31, 2011

My Follow-up With Dr Flam

Judy went with me for this visit. The appointment was for 10:00 AM but we knew we were in for a long wait when we saw tho waiting room was almost standing room only. I guess when you have cancer, you better leave your type A personality at the door. In addition to being the first day of a short week because of Memorial Day,  Dr  Flam was just back from vacation.
I had the usual labs, and was seen about 11:45 by the doctor.
The labs were not bad. WBC back down to 10,000. Platelets 100,000 and hemoglobin down to 11.0.
Overall, Dr Flam was pleased. I showed him some irritation in the back of my scalp which he called small pustules, likely staph infection, and suggested I wash the area 3X daily with pHisoderm soap. He also suggested I stop wearing my baseball cap, the band of which could be causing irritation. He was quite surprised that my hair was not falling out yet. Perhaps I shaved it off prematurely.
We now have a plan of action. One more cycle of chemo followed by a PET/CT, most likely around June 24. 
On a sad note, my mother seems to be doing badly. She is down to 66 pounds. She is becoming more and more withdrawn and depressed.
On a happy note, Saturday we went to the wedding of our ex-daughter-in-law, Margaret. It was very nice. We have some photos.
Rather than post the photos in this blog, I include a link to the 

The photos include Gary, Dana who was  a bridesmaid at her husband's ex wife's wedding, Eva a Jr. bridesmaid,  Sara, age 4, Bel, age 2, Judy, me, and one which includes the bride.
Families are so much more complicated than they were when I was growing up.

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