Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Five Weeks After

I completed radiation treatments 5 weeks and 1 day ago. Today I visited Dr Holmes, my Internist. My total cholesterol and blood sugar are down (good news), but my HDL is down 10 points and is way too low. This is because I have not gotten much exercise lately and have been getting niacin flushes due to having to take niacin without much food, as I have not much appetite.
I also had an appointment with Dr John, my radiation oncologist. My skin has healed, and the ulcer I saw on my tonsil has also healed. I feel like I am doing about as well as could be expected. My taste buds are slowly reviving. I invented a device to clean my tongue while in the shower last night. A toothbrush is too tall and makes me gag. Something flat and wide would work better. Before I tried to patent this, I found numerous devices already available, and have tried one and found it works better than a toothbrush.
Two weeks from today, I leave for Montreal and Philadelphia. I hope I can taste the Montreal bagels and the onion soup from Ty Breiz. The other day I did a test run on onion soup at Mimi's. It was not very tasty, but I still had seconds.
I have been spending a lot of time watching the Giants on TV, with the help of TIVO. I can thank them for helping me pass the time in the past two months. Go Giants. Still in first place as I write this. 
Here I am. My neck looks like I never had the radiation. I have lost weight and today I am wearing size 34 jeans, and they fit. I will try not to gain it all back.
I like to include a photo of somebody better looking than me. This is Bel, Gary and Dana's youngest daughter. As you can see, she loves to eat. 


  1. sounds like things continue to improve. keep up the fight. btw...i will be in fresno for the sectional friday and saturday.

  2. Well, it didn't last long that they were in first place. But the Phillies are really hitting their stride. You'll be here during playoff time too - so maybe just as well if you don't have to watch us cheer the Phils to victory over the Giants.

  3. Dave,

    Thanks for the update and for sharing the encouraging photos. I had treatment 11 of 25 today and I can only hope my side & chest recover as nicely.

    Your entry Puff the merkel cell Dragon won the "name my nemesis" contest on my blog, which means I have a Starbucks Gift Card with your name on it and need to know where to mail it. Send me an email at so I can get it to before you travel.

    Take Good Care!

