Thursday, June 23, 2011

Good News!

My CT scan today shows marked improvement from the previous studies.

By comparison, here is the previous axial scan

Most of the soft tissue in the area on the scan today is the distal esophagus.
The coronal images are below.

Here is the previous for comparison.
This is about as much as I could hope for. I await my visit to Dr Flam next Tuesday at which time I expect him to stop all chemotherapy and we can plan some radiation treatment to the area.
The CT scan also shows no evidence of new disease.
I don't want to get my hopes up too high as I have been disappointed before, but I am very optimistic.
I also saw Richard Weinberg today about my hearing loss. He was very accommodating, squeezing me in between his regular appointments. They did a more complete audiogram on me and I have significant high frequency hearing loss. He says a hearing aid would not help at this time and feels that some additional hearing loss would be worth the price if I need additional Cisplatin


  1. Awesome news Dave .... So great to read this. Scott also has significant hearing loss in the high pitch range from Cisplatin, but he doesn't need hearing aids and I don't have to learn sign language. Keep doing the Cisplatin ... it is the miracle chemo for MCC. No new disease is the best news, and your scans look beautiful. Chemo works for advanced MCC. I just wish that more who are suffering with metastatic MCC will realize that it can save their life. My son is a true testament to that and so are you, even after being told that chemo would do nothing for my son. I guess he showed them. He is out having pizza with a dear friend tonight, and I am thankful to God and his doctors.

    With faith and hope,
    Diane and Scott

    caringbridge: scotthammond

  2. Hi David,

    This looks wonderful. As always you have my best wishes, but it is your determination which is getting you through this with positive results.


  3. Great news all around!! Mark Alson

  4. Great news about your progress with MCC! It gives me hope for my condition.
